The Colony of Kandel

            The colony of Kandel was first settled in 1808.  It is situated in the Kutschurgan Valley, on the left shore of the Dnjester Liman, located 62 verst [just over 40 miles] from the main district city of Odessa.  Kandel is part of the Volost of Selz, which is located only one verst [less than half a mile] from Kandel.  The soil near this village is sandy, but a short distance to the east the soil is black and, under good management and favorable weather conditions, it is very fertile. The village was laid out under the supervision of Duke Richelieu, who gave it the name “Kandel”.  In 1848 the community land totaled 5965 dessy. [just voer 16,100 acres], and this land was divided as follows: land under cultivation, 1745 dessy.; meadow land, 1345 dessy.; livestock grazing land, 2532 dessy.; plantations included 215 dessy.; vegetable gardens and orchards totaled 126 dessy.

            There were 98 Catholic families who founded Kandel.  They came from the following provinces in France and Germany: From France there were 77 families totaling 306 souls.  Of these, there were 20 families with 83 souls from the province of Elsaß (district of Selz); from Kandel, located in the Rheinpfalz, there were 6 families with 29 souls; from Hagenau, there were 10 families with 38 souls; from Germersheim, there weere 4 families totaling 14 souls; from Bergzapern, there were 5 families totaling 18 souls.  From Billenken (??) there were 2 families with 7 souls; from Buschweiler there were 5 families with 11 souls,; from Lauderburg, there were 19 families with 72 souls; from Lohr, there was one family with 3 souls; from Lamaso, there were 2 families with 8 souls; from Pfalz (District of Landstuhl) there were 2 families with 8 souls; from the city of Mannheim there was one family with 4 souls.  All individuals named thus far came from provinces located within France.  In addition to these, there were 3 families with 11 souls from Austria.  From the Würzburg Province, there were 2 families with 6 souls.  From Bohemia (Prag), there was one family with 5 souls.  From Bavaria, there was one family with 6 souls.  From Prussia (Berlin) there was one foamily with 5 souls, and from the Grand Duchy of Baden (District of Rastadt) there were 16 families with 61 souls. 

            The immigrants came to the village in 1808 in various groups.  The first party, consisting of 8 families, came under the direction of Michael Scherr.  The second party consisting of 13 families was led by Jakob Steinhäuser.  The leader of the third party, totaling 9 families, was Georg Kraft.  The fourth party with 10 families was led by Sebastian Zacher.  The fifth party, totaling 56 families, was led by Michael Wolf.  The leader of the sixth party, totaling 8 families, was Michael Kuhn.  Thus, 98 families totaling 389 individuals of both genders settled Kandel originally.  The area where Kandel is now situated had not been inhabited prior to the formation of the Kandel settlement. 

            Assistance and loan money provided to the colony by the Crown totaled 16,015 rbl. 33 kop.  Funds brought by the colonists from their homeland totaled 10,558 rbl. silver.  The first church in Kandel was built in 1828.  The present church was built in 1892. 

            At the present time, Kandel has 269 properties with 2522 residents.  There is a parish church, one pastor, and there are 2 schools with 4 teachers and 374 children.

            According to the most current survey, the community land totals 6216 ½ dessyatines [nearly 16,800 acres] and is divided up as follows: 205 ½ dessy. are used for lots and buildings; livestock operations use 20 1/4 dessy.; 33 dessy. are used for vegetable gardens; 37 dessy. are used for vineyards; 2 dessy. are covered with reeds;  69 1/4 dessy.  is under water; 4 1/4 dessy. is used as a stone quarry; 1 1/4 dessy. as a clay pit; ½ dessy. as a garbage area; 34 dessy. are used up by roads; 4400 dessy. are under cultivation, 1308 dessy. are used for livestock grazing.  There are 77 craftsmen doing a variety of work.  Stores selling textiles and other goods total 17.

            Fees paid by the community: payment to the Crown, 607 rbl 84 kop., Auskaufsumme [??] rbl. 88 kop., land tax, 2838 Rbl. 78 Kop., community debt [?] 2793 rbl.

Reprinted from the Odessa Zeitung, Oct. 1, 1908, in Staats-Anzeiger


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