Odds and Ends

Articles from the Past

  The Following Names are names that relatives have inquired about.  Please help fit them in one of the trees. Also are names that I have in the Data base but there is not enough information to place them.
  Gotfrid (sic) Grenz from Popiollion
  Angerburg East Prussia married in mid 1800's to Wilhelmine Wischnewski.
  Researcher Christa Grenz has found the following names in New York at the turn of the 20th Century
  There are a number of Grenzes listed in Great Britain.  How do they fit into the greater Grenz Family Tree?  Does anyone have information on them? skg
 We are very interested in finding placement of Gustav G Grenz.

Published: November 14, 1903

Copyright © The New York Times


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